Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Last Thursday after I had laid Lucy down for a nap Benson and I were dancing in the living room.  Mostly his dancing consists of turning around and around in circles (I of course have amazing dance moves).  After one of these circles he feel down against our fireplace.  He started crying and I picked him up telling him it was ok.  As I pulled him away from me I notice that I was covered with blood and he had blood pouring down his face.  That's just about the worst experience for a mother, or anyone for that matter.  So of course I freaked out.  I rushed him into the kitchen, laid him on the counter, grabbed as many paper towels as I could and applied pressure.  Then I called Anthony.  He was at work and since I was panicking he assumed Benson's head was falling off and told me to call 911.  I told him I wasn't going to call 911 but to hurry home.

I called a neighbor and asked if I could drop off Lucy so I could focus on Benson.  She was so kind!  After dropping her off we rushed over to the instacare.   Although we had a bit of a wait they brought out an icepack and had Shrek playing on the TV.  I also found a crushed-up bag of mini oreos in my bag (tender mercies).  Once we were in the room Benson did amazingly well.  No crying when they did the shots and just a minimum of hysteria when they put the sheet with the hole on his face to stitch up his eye and pretty much throughout the whole stitching process.  (Of course it didn't help that he was strapped onto a board.)  He really was so sweet and tried so hard to be brave.  At one point I asked him if he wanted me to sing to him and he said yes.  I asked if he wanted "The Wheels on the Bus" or "I'm a Child of God" and he choose "I'm a Child of God."

7 stitches later he was doing great and didn't want to leave the dr because they gave him a truck, juice, more cookies and a certificate of bravery. 

I never want to experience that again.

About a week later the stitches came out.  It was considerably less traumatic.
His eyebrow looks pretty great and hopefully it'll grow in so it won't show at all.

In the waiting room!  We love Oreo's!!!
 Waiting for the Dr.
7 Stitches
 Stitches out!

1 comment:

Trina said...

What a tough guy!!! I love how he is still smiling at the doctor's! He is adorable!!!