Thursday, September 15, 2011

11 Months

I can't believe how fast times flies!!! Benson is 11 months today. He is such a big, happy boy! We love him to pieces!

His 11 month stats-
-24 lb
-30 1/4 in tall
-walking like a pro
-loves to fold his arms, for prayers or any other time
-has 8 teeth
-loves to crawl up the stairs and to be pulled down, repeat
-loves to read books
-still loves to bounce/jump (jumped on a tramp for the first time and cried when he had to get off)
-loves to be sung to, sometimes it's the only thing that will calm him down
-recovering from 2nd ear infection/fever/cold
-is still the happiest, flirt-y-est little boy!!!

We love having Benson in out family and can't imagine life without him!

Playing putt-putt with Dad
Loves to fold his arms

Reading his favorite book
Playing in the fountains with Dad

Jumping on the tramp with G-pa's help with cousin Weston

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Who doesn't want a wall for their birthday?

When we bought this house we were told by the inspector that one of the windowsills, along our back wall, had some water damage and would need to be replaced. We've had some other work done so asked the workman to look at the windowsill and give us an estimate. He told us he'd have to remove a bit of the siding on the back of the house to see how extensive the damage was. The damage was extensive! About a foot and a half, all along the back wall, was rotten! Apparently the windows weren't sealed very well and the previous owners covered up the damage with new siding :(

So for my birthday this year I got a new back wall. How many girls, or anyone for that matter, can say that? (Just to let you know, back walls are not cheap, this is the most expensive gift I've ever received.) And not only a wall but 3 new windows. I think the windows may be gifted to me for our anniversary and Christmas, after all there are 3.

We are just happy to have it all fixed and not rotten. And I hope we won't have any more "remodeling" to do for along time.

ps- Anthony did a great job of pampering me for my birthday, in spite of the wall.

The tarp they put up to help keep the cool in and the heat/mess out. (We pretty much cooled south texas for 2 weeks)
The back of the house. There are supposed to be three windows, one was being worked on. They had to do one at a time b/c our roof is at an angle and we didn't want it to fall in.
The finished product! Aren't those windows beautiful!! And the wall looks pretty good too!
The inside, finished product! We love this wall and the windows! If the rest of the house falls down this wall won't!