Weight: 9 lb 5oz (Yay!! I was so shocked! I had them weigh her twice. She's a chunk)
Length: 21 in
She's in about the 10-15% in all but she's growing!
She's eating pretty well (obviously better than I thought)
Sleeping 5ish hrs a night
Still sleeps a lot during the day but is alert more
Smiles and coo's
Will follow with eyes
Loves to be held
Puts up with crazy older brother who likes to sit on, poke, and try to carry her around
Our camera broke a couple weeks ago so I only have pictures from my phone. I'm not sure how well they'll turn out.
When she was born they found the extra hole in her heart wasn't closed (not sure what it's called but all babies have it but it usually closes close to birth). Anyway they wanted to check it at 2 months and it's still not closed but the dr isn't concerned (in some babies it can take a full year). She'll go back to see him at a year to make sure it's closed. This is the EKG and then she had an ultrasound. i don't like seeing her like this.
At her two month appt. Bens loves to sit in the car seat and then tells me to put her in, that he'll hold her.
What a chunk! Look at those cheeks :)