How did this
Turn into this??!?!
I can't believe he's 2! Two years ago today we were headed up to Houston to see a little boy who would soon become ours! It was such an exciting and crazy day! Adoption is incredible! We can't say "thank you" enough to Benson's amazing birth mom. We love her dearly! We know Benson is supposed to be apart of our family and we couldn't live without him! He is so much fun! Really such a riot! He's at such a fun age where he mimics everything we say and wants to be apart of everything!
Somethings I want to remember...
-He loves to mow the lawn, which means he loves to ride on Dad's shoulders while he's mowing. He also loves trimmers and blowers.
-He loves kitchen utensils! He's tall enough to open the utensil drawer and grab everything out. Some of his favorites are the tongs, funnel, rolling pin and can openers.
-He loves music. Both to listen to and to sing. His current favorites are "I am a Child of God" and "This Little Light of Mine." He knows all the words to quite a few songs and if we start singing one, he'll finish it; I love it!!
-He loves the kitchen sink. Every night while I'm making dinner Benson will push a chair over to the sink, turn on the water, grab the scrub brush and ask me to hand him some dish soap (lotion). He will usually play with whatever is in the sink for a long time and usually ends up drenched.
-He loves to grab the mustard bottle. We have a lock on our fridge because once he learned to open it he would pull everything out. So now if I leave it unlocked he will open it and grab the mustard. He actually hates the taste of it but will ask to hold it while waiting for dinner.
-Always want to watch football or tackle Dad. This really started when I was out of town one weekend and Anthony watched a couple games with him. Now whenever he sees the computer open he rushes over and begs to watch football.
-Love his nursery leader, Brother Arnold. He will ask for him about 10 times a week. When I ask him who he wants to play with he'll yell "Brother Arnold"!
-Still loves to jump. When he was a baby I'd have to bounce him on an exercise ball to get him to go to sleep or just for fun. He got a little trampoline for his birthday and he won't get off it, he loves to jump!
-Loves cookies. Every time I ask him what he wants for lunch or dinner he always says cookies. And we don't have cookies all that often so it's pretty funny. Plus he knows he'll get a laugh out of me :)
We can't get enough of this little boy and are excited for him to be 2!!!