1 year stats-
-15 lbs 10 oz (still in the 3rd percentile)
-27.5 in tall and head is 17.5 in round
-lots of blond hair
-takes a handful of steps alone but nothing constant
-is the best eater in the world
-sleeps the night though
-loves to throw tantrums (it's hilarious and I have to admit I love it when she does)
-says "hi" "dada" "mama"
-loves to wave and blow kisses
-loves to crawl after benson
-love to crawl up the stairs
-loves to pick up and put toys away
-knows how to push benson's buttons
We love you little Lucy Jo and feel so blessed everyday to have you apart of our family!
Birthday Morning
Loving the streamers and balloons
Not so happy that I wanted to take some bday pictures
Loved the cake and candle until she burned her finger :(
Loving the cake cones with ice cream
Tired birthday girl