Benson is 6 months old today!!! He is such a fun baby! He amazes me daily with all that he's learned and continues to learn. We don't go to the Dr. until Tuesday so I'll have to update his stats then but here's a list of 6 month milestones...
-loves to jump in lap or on exercise ball
-eats green beans, squash, carrots, peas, frozen grapes and pears
-is a tease
-is very ticklish
-laughs easily
-says "baa, baa, blah, blah, daa, daa" (but we're pretty sure daa doesn't refer to Anthony yet)
-when on his stomach, goes up on knees and rocks back and forth
-has one tooth, bottom right
-grabs for everything
-scoots all over on his back
-loves to drink out of a water bottle
-sleeps 8-10 hours a night (usually straight but sometimes with one feeding)
-loves to be sung to
-loves "This little piggy...," "Knock on the door," and "Patty cake"
We can't believe how much our lives have changed in a year! Last year at this time we would never have believed we'd have a baby in a year! We still thank Heavenly Father every day for our Bens!!