Today Anthony turns 28! Wow, he's old.
We've been celebrating for the past 5 days! We've decided our new family tradition will be to have a week-long celebration for everyone's bday. I think it's a fabulous idea. He's gotten a present from Benson and me everyday. A few of the gifts have been a puzzle, lego figure, farkle game, string trimmer, garden hose, chocolate milk, etc. It's been fun to see his excitement opening the gifts everyday after work. Then on the final day, the birthday, the person gets to pick what's for dinner and then cake and ice cream. Tonight we're having take-out from PF Chang's and Banana Cream Pie, yummy!
I love birthdays and hope Anth has the best one yet!!!
I like the week-long celebration idea! Can you imagine the "19 kids and counting" family doing that, though? It'd be a party every other week!
Antonio Banderas-
Te felicito! Te has envejecido bastante :) (Aunque todavia soy jovencito). Ya te voy a denominar "el gran viejo."
Felicidades amigo mio!
:) Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Day! If you lived by us, we'd celebrate the week before, the week of...(then you'd get TWO weeks of birthday!) How's that for incentive?
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