Wednesday, August 22, 2012

6 Weeks

Yes it's been six weeks since I've posted.  Yes this little girl is now six weeks old; where does time go?!  We are loving every moment with little Lucy Jo.  I still look at her and can't believe she's real and really ours.  That she came out of me healthy is such a miracle!  She is still such a newborn. She sleeps all the time, like it's the hardest thing ever to wake her up to eat every 3 hrs.  Oh and if we can get her awake then within 2 minutes of eating she's in a deep sleep, never wanting to awaken again.  I'm not complaining, really I'm so grateful she's not a screamer or always awake needing me, but I am concerned she's not eating enough.  I think she's getting bigger but can't really tell.  She's still in newborn clothes and diapers.  We go back to the Dr on Sept. 11 so I'll update then with hopefully higher weight stats.  (I never worried with Benson, he left the hospital drinking 4 oz every 3 hrs and had gained over 3 lbs the first month.)
Benson is loving his little sister, most of the time.  He loves kissing her, holding her and bringing stuff to us for her.  He also loves launching her out of her bouncer, poking her eyes so she'll open them, pulling her ears asking if she can hear him, and helping mom burp her, i.e. hitting her.  But every night he says "night, night Lucy" and every morning "morning Luc." I love it!
I'm recovering well, I think.  I have to remind myself that not only did I have a c-section but my body has been on full bedrest, doing nothing for 5 months.  We have ventured out a few times.  I was amazed at how hard it was to push a shopping cart with Benson, Lucy in a carseat and 2 gallons of milk.  We went to the aquarium and swimming with fairly successful results.  I'm sure it'll get easier with time. 

All ready for her baby shower
 Isn't she beautiful?!?
 Ready for church catching some rays
 Benson at the Aquarium
 Before hair cut
 After hair cut - what a stud
 Doing what he loves best, helping mom in the kitchen
 The two of them (at a rare time when Lucy was awake)


Amber {Lyman} Shaw said...

I love these! I can't believe she's so old already either! Lucy is beautiful.

Trina said...

ADORABLE!!! Both of them!!! And it was fun talking to you the other day!

The Neumann Clan said...

She is so beautiful! I am so glad that everything is going so well. Enjoy it because it goes way too fast!

Park's said...

Oh Lynette, she is such a sweetie! Both your kids are so darling. We are so happy for you guys and glad that she is healthy and happy. Looks like all is going well for you and your sweet family! Take care of yourself. P.S. I feel for you with a C-Section. It seemed to take me awhile to feel fully better after mine. You are past the hardest part. Keep up the great work!!