Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lucy - 4 Months

We are loving our little Lucy!  She gets cuter every day!  Here are her 4 month stats:
-11.5 lbs
-23 in long
-15.5 in head
She's in the 8th-ish percentile.  The dr. said that she's not digressing on the chart, but barely progressing :)  But she's healthy and has reached all the 4 month mile stones.
-loves to sleep (I think this will be a common theme throughout her life)
-hates tummy time
-can roll from her tummy to her back
-grabs stuff in front of her
-can stand up when being held
-loves to watch Benson
-loves the bumbo
-loves to suck on her hands and blanket/burp cloth
-we've had a couple really deep belly laughs and lots of little giggles
-loves to be bounced on an exercise ball when eating or being put to sleep (Benson loved that too)
-loves to talk/yell at us

We can't imagine our lives without her and we are grateful for everyday she's ours!

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