Saturday, May 11, 2013

10 Months

Holy Cow! 10 Months!!  Our little miss keeps getting older; how does time pass so quickly?!?  Here's a bit of an update on her life-
-loves crawling
-weighs around 14.5 lbs-ish and wears 6 month clothes
-loves pulling herself up on everything and walking along, holding on
-is a fabulous eater (oh how I love this!)
-sleeps 11-12 hrs a night
-takes 1 or 2 naps a day about an hour long
- Benson is her favorite person, she lives for him noticing/playing with her
-talk (babbles)  and screams/shrieks all the time
-growls (it's hilarious and so cute)
-has cute "rocker curls" on the top of her head
- loves baths
-waves and points at things
-is great at picking things up with her fingers
-is such a happy baby!!!

1 comment:

Trina said...

She is such a cutie!!!