Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Advetures of Lyn

I know it's been almost 6 months since I last blogged but now I'm going to try to blog more often, like once every 3 months;)

This summer has been great, so many fun little trips. In June I hiked Havasupi, in July a family reunion on an island on the Puget Sound, and August a family reunion up at Bear Lake and staying at the guard station up in Vernal. The best part of my summer has been seeing all my family with Michelle and her girls, Shawn and Bekah here from Arkansas, and others at family reunions. I did almost die during a few of these adventures but obviously I made it. I've started getting ready for school, which starts on the 29th. I'm only teaching 2 different subjects and only 7th and 8th graders. I'm sad about not having the 9th graders but the work load will be great! I always start having nightmares the 2 weeks previously to school starting. The ones where the classroom is full and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with these kids. Or the one where I'm somewhere else and all the sudden I realize I should be teaching. It's awful. Does anyone else have these nightmares??


Rachel said...

I'm a little confused as to why you didn't mention seeing Paul and I - especially at that rockin' party!

Rebekah B. said...

yes...those nightmares never's a phenomenon that comes with teaching.