Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I threw up

I’ve been threatening to do it for quite a number of years. From bad driving (Dad and sometimes Sara Anne), riding backwards in a boat (frontwards I’m usually fine), going on crazy amusement park rides, to of course airplanes. I don’t actually mind the flying part, it’s the taking off and the even more deadly decent that gets me. Yesterday I had 3 of them, count them, three, 1, 2, 3, the decent into Houston, Albuquerque, and Salt Lake. Houston wasn’t too bad, I took deep breaths, transported my mind to somewhere peaceful and made it through. At this point I thought I only had one more, somehow I didn’t realize until I was on the second plan that we’d be landing in Albuquerque and then going on to Salt Lake (I didn’t realize this until we were about to take off and I just about made them turn the plane around. I was pushing the little person service button and asking everyone around me if this plane went to Salt Lake and they just kept tell me that they were just going to Albuquerque. Finally a flight attendant came and calmed me down by assuring me that yes, we were going to Albuquerque but then onto Salt Lake.) On the second decent the pilot must have thought we were all amusement park bound because I felt like I was in Star Tours or something. Anyway I just made it through knowing the final one would be tricky. Final decent: Awful. It must have been really windy in the upper skies of Northern Utah. I’d been feeling sick as soon as the decent started and was debating whether I’d be able to hold it but then thought about the mess and I thought it better to be prepared then sorry. Of course the flight attendants were all buckled in their seats and thank goodness I was just two rows back so I motioned to one of them that I need a bag, she looked puzzled so I motioned throwing up. She asked me if I had one in the seat in front of me and I looked to find a small yellow newspaper plastic bag with holes in both ends. I held it up and she then unbuckled and handed me a plastic garbage bag. I opened the bag and stuffed my face in…I'll leave the rest to your imagination. I think it was brilliant thinking on my part to have gotten the bag and although it can’t have been pleasant for the people around me, I was careful to close off the bag, I don’t think they smelled a thing. The flight attendant did offer me a ginger ale, which I gratefully accepted.

Lesson learned: Now I have two jobs I know I can’t do, work in a vet, I’m allergic to the animals (story for anther time) and a flight attendant.

Side note: You may be asking why I was flying all day the day after Mother’s Day, and the answer is that Anthony and I drove to Corpus Christi, TX for his internship this summer but I had to return to finish up the school year.


Michelle & Steve said...

Yuck. Sorry you hate flying so much - I'm definately going to keep this in mind as we make our final decision on where to live! I would hate it if you never visited me because you don't fly well...

Barb & Sean said...

I thought I was the only one who got sick in airplanes! Glad to know I have company!

El Scorcho said...

This post, while funny would greatly be enhanced by pictures. Or better yet video of you going to your happy place.

Sarah said...

oh you poor girl! I never actually knew anyone who used those airplane barf bags . . .