Friday, September 26, 2008


I got this from Rachel's Blog.
-it's kind of like those mass e-mails that say "send this to all the people you know, and if you get it back you know they consider you a friend." Only this is easier and MUCH more fun! Here's the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! (This can be about Anthony or Lynette)

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Monday, September 15, 2008

An Anniversary of Sorts

One year ago Anthony and I went on our first date. We were married 3 months later - crazy! He took me to a comedy at Rogers Memorial Theatre, treated me to a brown topper (from artic circle) and then took me for a walk on the Eaglewood Golf course. It was very romantical, enough that it's also the anniversary of our first kiss.

Also, as of today we've been married for 9 months.

My Birthday

I'm 30.
I've been 30 for a week.
It's the same as being 22 :)

I had a fabulous birthday!! I really don't like a lot of attention so all the singing, gift giving, etc. isn't my favorite. But Anthony did it just right. No surprise parties or parents bringing in singing balloons to my class (they really did like 2 years ago). I need to post pictures of the day and the over-the-top gifts but we can't find the cable to connect the camera to the computer, which is kind of important. So I will later. But my favorite gifts include: a call from Sara Anne (all the way from Denmark!!!, a beach crusier (think wicked witch of the west bike), a heart rate monitor (I mentioned that I wanted one last November, and he (Anth) remembered!!), nail polish from nieces/nephews, and a iron pumpkin decor. It was a great day! I have the best husband!! Thanks for all the calls, texts, cards, and belated thoughts of me on my day :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Image

How do you like it? After having Rachel help me with the step-by-step instructions, this is the result. Fun huh?! I really like it. (And it wasn't so difficult:)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mono y Mono

Anthony has Mono. Yes it's called the "Kissing Disease" but he keeps informing me that he hasn't been kissing anyone but me since last September. About 3 weeks ago he started out with a fever which moved into stomach, lower abdomen pain. We spent a memorable night in the ER where he was diagnosed with Mono. (Really it's not my favorite thing to see my husband for less than a year in a hospital bed writhing in pain because of an unfavorable reaction to some generic morphine and other meds to help calm the stomach pain. They quickly injected valuum and morphine, a large dose which put him out completely. I couln't even get a respose out of him when I tried to joke about how handsome he looked in the hospital garb. The doctor ran some very expensive tests, CT Scan, and still didn't know what he had so had a ultrasound performed. One of my best friends Mandy was on call so she got to do the ultrasound. We had some pretty funny laughs about her opportunity. Thanks Mandy for diagnoses of an inlarged spleen.) His spleen, liver and pancreas were inflamed, so we were told he had a severe case of Mono. They immediately started him on steroids and a pain killer. He was really tired for a week. That next Monday (1st day of school at the U) he broke out in a head to foot body rash (he wouldn't let me take a picture). Only 20% of those that get mono get the rash, lucky him. He missed his first week classes. (Is the first week really that important?!) Good news: the rash is getting better. Slowly, but surely. We're hoping he'll be ok to start back to school this week. (The doctor also told us that 50% of those that get mono this severe end up dropping out of school to recover. We hope not to be apart of those stats.) We still don't know how he got this illness and there is only a 20% chance that I'll get it. You may be wondering what he has been doing while being quarintined...sleeping, olympic watching, sleeping, tv show watching, sleeping, movie watching, eating otter pops and did I mention sleeping.