Monday, March 23, 2009

Lame Life

So I have no reason for not posting for over a month except that we have lame lives. Really. There's nothing going on. Just the same old. Anthony just went back to school after Spring Break (which he did get a lot of tiling done but we won't post about until it's done). He only has a month left of school!!! I'm still teaching school. I just have one term left, go me! We did buy a table but I don't want to post about it until I get it refinished and that won't happen until my Spring Break. We haven't started getting ready to move b/c we don't move until June. So that just about sums up the lameness. But just wait, I'm sure there's going to be something exciting to post about, maybe even before next month :)


Unknown said...

Well, thanks for updating us on your lameness. Maybe you should take some pictures of kitchen ballet and post. I'm sure we'd all enjoy that!

The Neumann Clan said...

I think that we all have months like that. When is your spring break? We just got done with ours. If you happen to come to St. George call me!

El Scorcho said...

Why did you buy a table when you have a perfectly good one right here in my garage?
Seriously, can I sell this thing or what?

Allison said...

Hey we need to keep in touch I am such a bad friend :(. I know you said you lost your phone so I haven't called but call me if you got it back or got a new one. Much to talk about!! Hope all is well with you. And we will be moving to San Antonio late April :( So I will miss ya. But you can be my fabric shopping buddy in San Antonio :D And we have a guest room in case you wanna stay a while ha ha. Cause I am wanting to make some curtains. OK I am writing too much call me!! Miss you!

Sarah said...

I think you should come pick up the table just for kicks. Plus we would love to see you!