Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's a Miracle!

So, when I was thinking of the title of this post and the news we received Lynette said, it's a miracle.  As I thought about that some more I was reminded of a skit that was part of Bill Cosby's act involving him as a little boy staying home from school because he was sick and then miraculously he was fine when school ended and his friends came calling.  In this bit about his life, the little boy proclaims, "It's a Miracle!..."  This proclamation is equal to the news we received recently.

Last week the ultrasound tech came and performed both abdominal and vaginal ultrasounds.  As you may remember Lynette was checked-in to the hospital on account of the thinning of the cervix.  Since she was checked in they had not returned for measurement.  As the tech was performing the measurement Lynette indicated she had an odd expression about her.  Lynette inquired as to the problem and the tech only indicated that her doctor would let her know.  Well, it is pretty great to have such an amazing relationship with our doctor as she is one of our close friends.  Lynette began to text with her to get all the details.  The tech finished up and again said nothing but indicated that Lynette's doctor would be in to give her the news at a later time.  Tia came in and indicated that she hadn't received any information but then received a call.  She stepped outside and took the call.  Lynette had other visitors at the time (she is now very popular) and was able to wait patiently.  When Tia returned she indicated that Lynette's cervix had sealed back up and was measuring 3.1 cm (before was 0.5 cm).  It appeared to be a normal cervix.  There was no funneling, just a healthy looking cervix.  Tia shared with Lynette that she had only seen this once about 25 years before.

It is remarkable to have received this news and we know that it really is a miracle that her body has responded so well.  She is now 26 weeks 5 days.  She is not having any contractions, she has bathroom and shower privileges, and she loves all the hospital food (wait that's me...).  She is doing extremely well.  She is doing so well in fact that her doctors have said that if there are no changes between now and 28 weeks she will be able to return home and have bed rest at home.  I must say that I am excited about that prospect, however, she must know my cooking is not much better than what she is getting in the hospital.  We continue to pray for the both Lynette and our sweet little girl.  She is about twice the size as William weighing in over 1 lb and getting bigger every day.  We are so excited at the prospect of this little girl joining our home and watching her grow alongside her older brother.  To think how far we have come and the blessings that have been ours because of the faith of family and friends is truly remarkable.  We are not out of the woods in any of this.  Each day is very positive and the chances of survival only increase.  It is our prayer that all continues to progress according to the Lord's will.

Many have asked how Lynette is doing.  To their question I always respond the same, "Extremely well."  Lynette is not a complainer.  She does not sulk, she does not shy away from the challenge.  She makes incredible sacrifices for our family.  She has such tremendous faith and is ever constant.  She counsels with me, she loves me, and helps me become a better man.  I love her and hope that I can rival her goodness and sacrifice.

It may come as no surprise that Lynette comes from an incredible family.  I have known them since I was about 11.  I grew up being close friends to her brother Dan (aka Daniel to her family) but never really had a chance to meet many of the others.  I had only a few interactions with her parents but knew it was a good home.  As I have been a part of this family now for the last 4 years I have realized how incredible they really are.  If you think of a baseball team and how difficult it may be for an opposing pitcher to face not one or two but three great batters you will understand that this family has not one, two, or three great individuals.  It is a lineup that is strong from top to bottom.  They are wonderful people who love, care, and help all those around them.  We have benefited from that love and support many times.  To all of you, thank you.  I/We love you!

We had such a wonderful time with Rachel and Adelaide in early February and then Lynette's mother was with when from February to April.  Then in March, Lynette's father was able to come and spend some time with us and his wife as they celebrated their anniversary.  We look forward to seeing all of you when the time comes but until then here are some pics of the past few months.  We love you all and thank you for your prayers and faith.


The Lady of the House said...

I'm a friend of Bekah's: It is a miracle! Congratulations and may the prayers on your behalf be answered - and then some!

The Lost said...

I am so happy to hear this great news! Love to you all. Kara and Arlo

Trina said...

Yay!!! We are soooo happy for you guys!!! We are sooooo excited for your little girl! You guys are amazing! We wish we were closer so we could visit and help in some way!

David and Aleasha said...

Anthony and Lynette,

Thank you for sharing your miraculous story. We hope and pray for the best for your family.

-Dave and Aleasha

jlvance said...

It really is a miracle! You are amazing Lynette. You too Anth. We love you! And thank you both for who you are and your wonderful examples.
