Wednesday, March 5, 2008

7th Graders and Sewing

Most of you know that I teach the cooking and sewing classes at a regular Jr. High. Well these last two days have been out-of-the-ordinary exciting (sewing with 7th graders is always exciting). On Monday I had a 7th grader put a sewing machine needle through his finger. It wasn't your normal "needle through the finger" either, it was one of the worst I've had. When the girl sitting next to him called me over I had to cut his finger away from the machine, there were two (2) strings going all the way through! (Bytheway, the needle went through his finger nail, it always goes through the side of the nail, not the nail itself) So a few of the girls were freaking out so I had this young man go into the other room to clean it out and get a band aid. Well, when I went into the other room to see how he was he was just sitting there staring at his finger. As I got closer I noticed that the threads were still there. He couldn't bring himself to pull them out so I had to. (It's a good thing I have a strong stomach) I kinda felt like a doctor taking out stitches, it was kinda fun. Anyway, we got him all cleaned up and back to sewing, which he wasn't to excited about. Then today a couple students in another class were talking about it and then all of the sudden this kid walks up to me holding his finger with blood all over it. I was a bit shocked but sent him in the other room to clean it off and get a band aid. It was kinda like deja vo (sp?). Again, as I went in he was just sitting there. I didn't think his wound was that bad, it didn't go all the way through his finger, but as he took off the paper towel I noticed the needle still embedded in his fingernail! I asked him if he could pull it out and he tried but then said he couldn't. So once again, it's a good thing I don't faint at the sight of blood b/c I had to take tweezers to it to remove it. He was in pain and I asked him if he was going to pass out but he said he wasn't. Good news. This group of 7th graders have been so careful, they are only with me until Friday. Why all the trauma now? Just to put your nerves at ease, I located these boys later in the day and they were still alive with their fingers still attached! Happy endings are my favorite!


Barb & Sean said...

I could not have done that for sure! That's why I married a nurse, so he can do all of the gory jobs. I don't mind watching as he's putting stitches in, and I'm often the one helping hold the child down as he removes the splinter, but I could not have pulled thread or a needle out of someone's finger. Glad it's you and not me!

Diane said...

What a trooper. If you get tired of teaching, you could take some courses in nursing! Those 7th graders should get a star for not passing out!

El Scorcho said...

Maybe you should check to make sure everyone has their tetanus up to date before giving them clearance on the machines.