Wednesday, June 25, 2008

5 Unimportant Things About Me...

Bekah tagged me maybe a week or so ago. Here's the rules: link back to the person who tagged you (but I don't know how to do that so just go to Bekah's blog), post these rules on your blog, share five unimportant things about yourself and tag three people at the end of your entry. Here we go!

#1. I love to mow the lawn. I've really only ever mowed my parents lawn but I still love it. They have this great mower that pulls you behind it (watch out sprinklers). I also love the smell of a freshly mowed lawn.

#2. I love the fabric tricot. It's the silky fabric, you can make slips out of it. My aunt made me a blanket when I was born and I still have the desire to sleep with it.

#3. Every Saturday night 106.5 plays show tunes. I love to listen to them every week and sing along. It's pretty fun to try and guess the show they are from before they tell you.

#4. I have curly hair. I really like it but I keep trying to find products that will help with the frizzyness and to help form the perfect curl.

#5. I hate mushrooms! I won't eat them! I don't even like the smell of them.

(these are unimportant but actually really important :)

I tag Michelle, Sara Anne, and Barbara.


Michelle & Steve said...

I don't know if I can think of 5 unimportant things about myself... :)

Adrienne said...

Hello there! Found you via the BTRSSwap blog. I, too, have curly hair and if you want great info... these two sites are incredible. Also, the book "Curly Girl" by Lorraine Massey is wonderful. Enjoy! Adrienne

Sarah said...

Ditto on the mushrooms. YUCK!

Rebekah B. said...

You're such a good sport, thanks for participating... and what GREAT "unimportant" things those were too!
And Michelle - try it, you'd be surprised! :)