Monday, July 7, 2008

Beauty School Dropout

Anth has a training/some kind of conference up in Houston this week so on Saturday he went to get a haircut. The lady that cut his hair did an awful job. So he came home and decided to "fix" the awful job, using his own face electric razer. It turned out pretty bad. But it was his first attempt at cutting his hair. I'd like to some day be able to cut his hair ( I need to learn how from his sister-in-law who previously cut it) but perhaps if he keeps trying to fix what they do at the salon he won't need me. (Notice the extra short part a little above and to the right of his ear.)


Michelle & Steve said...

you know what they say...the difference between a good and bad haircut is two weeks. Too bad he's going for that conference this week...! :)

Sarah said...

Mark's been cutting his own hair since his mission and is pretty darn good at it. He does it "by sound" (doesn't use a mirror) Give it a few more years and Anthony can be as talented as Mark.