Thursday, November 4, 2010

3rd Week Dr Visit

Although Benson doesn't turn 3 weeks until tomorrow we had a Dr visit today so here are the stats: 10 lbs 15 oz
22 inches long

He's grown a lot since birth (8 lbs 8 oz and 18 3/4 inches long)! The Dr said "he obviously doesn't have a problem eating." Which he doesn't. He loves to eat 4-5oz, about every 3 hrs. At night he sometimes has a hard time sleeping, which we think is due to gas; just him figuring out how his body works :) The Dr said he looks great in every area!

We love him more and more every day, if that's possible! It's so fun to just sit and watch him, whether he's awake or asleep. He smiles all the time and often laughs while he sleeps. He's a very good baby and we feel so blessed to have him in our lives!!!


Jennifer Kremer Oliva said...

He is sooooo cute!! Im hapy for yall :)

Michelle & Steve said...

I can see a thigh roll in that photo! Wish I could squeeze it. Oh! and I just barely noticed that you have a stop sign on your carseat too...did Rachel give you that? :)

Alisa said...

He is adorable! All that hair, and he is starting to fill out and look less "newborn" and more "chubby sweetness"! I wish I could meet him in person!

Rachel said...

I can't believe how big he is getting so fast! He looks great! I'm glad that he's so healthy!

Trina said...

I love the pictures! What a cutie! He must be so much fun!