We have had a pretty rough week. William started to suffer a bit last Monday and began to require more assistance. I believe last week he was eating, off meds, and doing exceptionally well. Monday came around and he stopped eating, got back on meds, and required a lot of help from the ventilator. I left work on Wednesday to go talk with the doctor in the NICU and he was less than cheerful. Summarizing what he said, he said Will would most likely not recover from his issues. As a result, he said he would probably die. Lynette and I broke down in tears and had a little discussion with Will to tell him what the doctor said. It was a difficult moment.
We have found out that Will's kidneys and liver are in pretty bad shape and have only limited function going on right now. The kidneys stopped passing fluids and he swelled up again. They put him on Dopamine to help get the blood pressure up and gave him some Albumin and Lasix to help him start urinating. This is very important obviously because if he doesn't he will not be able to remove the toxins in his body. The swelling in his body is due to fluid not being kept within the blood vessels. This is a cause of his poor kidney function. His liver is supposed to make a protein (Albumin) that helps draw fluid into the vessels and keeps it there to keep the body working nicely. But his liver is not working very well. It is having a hard time keeping up with the demand his body has right now. We could help his liver by giving him breast milk but he can't have it due to the function of his digestive track. He runs the risk of rupturing the intestinal wall and causing infection. So, the one thing that helps him will also hurt him.
I was able to talk with a doctor on Thursday who was not so pessimistic. He told us that his biggest concern was to get his kidneys going. He says that he isn't overly optimistic nor pessimistic. He said he was stable but had a long ways to go. He was upbeat and very good about explaining Williams needs. Then on Friday I came home to find William with a team around him to taking x-rays of his chest. He had a lot of garbage suctioned out of his lungs and it was yellow. They took it to go get cultured and tested for infection.
He is doing much better now and the cultures have come back negative for the first day. So, after all of this and hearing everything this week we had such a complete opposite today. It was such an amazing thing to see and ranks up there with the top moments of our lives.
We love you all and hope you are all doing OK. Again, thank you for the prayers and your faith.
What a wonderful day. We certainly hope that everything continues to go well and that this is the first of many "holds"
oh Happy day!
I am so glad you got to hold him... what an amazing moment! I love the picture of his cute little hands touching his face... he is such a sweet boy! You all are in our prayers!
great post. i really like your header picture, too...it was taken in Arkansas.
Now you need a picture of all 3 of you taken in Arkansas. We are praying for your little guy!
Thanks so much for taking the time to update for us! I love the pictures and I am just so happy u got to hold your lil man!!! So many prayers are going out from the smith house for you guys!! Misty, Scott hunter and Macie Lynn
How truely sweet to get to hold your baby for first time especially after all you've been through!
Thank you for sharing. What a joy it was to see mom holding her little one like that! I feel so blessed to know you, thanks for including us.
such an amazing moment! we love you so much and keep you in every prayer, especially little william. thank you for sharing this.=)
What a precious little boy! I am so glad you got to hold him! Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Amazing! I cried when I read this, I can't believe I didn't know that you got to hold him! So exciting, and what a precious moment. I am so happy that you got to do that.
Lynette you DO look beautiful and you ARE a wonderful mother!!! We will continue to pray for you guys.
I cry every time I read this blog. All kinds of tears. Love you guys!
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