Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pest Control

I hate bugs! But we've moved to South Texas so they kind of come with the territory. When we moved we had a serious problem with ants. But the management came in and sprayed and we also put up a few motels (by we I mean Anth, of course). Just this past week we've been invaded by roaches. Ok, we've only found 3 but they are gi-normous! And "they" (whoever they are) say that you never only have just one. Where one is, hundreds are. I had Anth put them in a bag and I took them to the office, hoping the mere sight of the little buggers (pun intended) would scare them spitless. It didn't work. The lady just had me fill out a form and told me pest control would be around later that week. I was a bit disappointed (I may not recommed this place to anyone else). I'm now just hoping/praying the spraying worked and we're bug free. I'd love any good advice on keeping the little demons away.


Rachel said...

This is precisely why we decided against considering a move to Texas. Good luck!

Rebekah B. said...

Yuck! Good thing you have Anthony. I think they'll grow on you... the fleas, etc in Chile did for me (pun intended). :)

Adam and Shalisa said...

Oh I feel for you...the best think that we found for all the nasty bugs is just to find someone to spray often...oh and make sure all your food is in plastic containers or something with a lid. Even cereal...good luck!

Sarah said...

Okay, being in Southern Utah has made me immune to most bug issues--except spiders. I am scared to death of black widows which nest EVERYWHERE down here. Roaches smoaches. Just have them spray every 2-3 months (that's what we do. When you start seeing them again, it's time to spray. They'll keep coming back because that's what they do. Don't worry about it.

Anonymous said...

Pest control is an essential component of home maintenance.

pest control services utah